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What are the values created?​
How to get there?​

         In 2014, a university-wide initiative called KMUTT 3.0 was proposed to stimulate discussion and university-wide self evaluation on learning quality and the values that need to be created and instilled in the graduates of today and tomorrow. The first image of KMUTT 3.0 was presented in a framework of future graduates - KMUTT Student qualification framework (KMUTT QF) also known as social change agent framework, suggesting a competence set for future graduate employability.  

         Representing the ideal graduate of the future, KMUTT QF was developed from existing research on 21st century skills and the future employability skill issues from both local and global expectations. Together with inputs from KMUTT lecturers, education experts, as well as the perspective from business leaders, framework also reflects KMUTT’s unique images and vision on the core competence KMUTT graduates need for success in the future.


         Divided into 8 foci aligned with the Thailand Qualification Framework (TQF), KMUTT QF defines and describes a graduate equipped with the right set of competence required to be a change leader ready to operate across disciplinary boundaries with broad-based multidisciplinary knowledge in science, the most creative thinking in engineering application and in-depth understanding on the social implications of their decisions. 

         The idea being communicated throughout the university, KMUTT 3.0 has sparked many productive conversations — about the bigger potential of the new era — throughout KMUTT, as well as the outside higher education community. Several issues were identified, investigated and responded to, in order to address the challenges being faced and, essentially, to answer the two major questions of what are our values and how do we create them. By placing a big flag at the point where KMUTT wishes to be in the future, 3.0 has now become a university-wide vision and mission to start everyone thinking about the important question of how to get there.

         “We need to know where we want to be in order to make conscious and deliberate choices in that direction”


- Bundit Thipakorn

  (Vice President for Educational Development)

       As conversation alone would not be enough to address the challenges being faced, another underlying goal of KMUTT 3.0 is to encourage the KMUTT community to collaboratively develop dynamic frameworks and roadmaps to describe phases, processes, steps and other strategies required for sustainable development that would bring the university closer to the 3.0 era.  This has been translated into enormous efforts from policy, process, and organizational management and basically ‘everyone’ to allow for harmonized structures, processes and policies flexible enough to recognise and support such a transformation. 

         Knowing that it is not possible to get to 3.0 without understanding the nature of such adaptive change and recognising the importance of the collective impacts from its ‘people’, KMUTT deliberately placed the 3.0 initiative at the heart of KMUTT Cluster for Educational Development (C4ED), to delicately facilitate and provide the right environment where KMUTT people can collaborate and influence each other. 

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