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effectively supporting learning



Breakdown learning outcomes to small and achievable steps and design coherent session plans including assessment strategies, stretching assignments, and instractional strategies for each of them.


Facilitate learning using strategies developed from a 

combination of K-2, K2-1, K3-2, and results from A3-2 to 

engage, and support student learning as well as to maximise the achievement of intended learning outcome planned in A1-2.


Provide timely, effective and appropriate assessment/

feedback in relative to student’ learning goals. AND Include formative assessments as an integral part of assessment plan. AND analyse assessment results for teaching strategy improvement.


Contribute to the University’s educational development projects.


Begin to apply knowledge of how student learn to adapt the role of teaching to improve learning process and the intended learning outcomes.


Classify the content and able to generalise, relate, and 

simplify concepts to reduce students’ misconceptions.


Effectively design and tailor instructional resources based on the appropriate application of K1-2 and K2-1 to facilitate the achievement of intended learning outcomes.


Successfully improve curriculum design/processes  towards the achievement of program-level learning outcomes (PLO).


Recognise, associate and identify quality parameters effecting education quality of own program.


Create a climate in which students want to do their best and build constructive and effective relationships with students.


Actively seek feedback from others to determine areas in which he or she can improve and apply constructive 

feedback from colleagues to improve professional practice.

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