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The levels of PSF competence development


understand how to support learning

At this level, teachers demonstrate understanding of what learning is and how their students learn. They possess depth of own specialist subject knowledge and related research informed teaching in own discipline area. The design of their cause/lesson plan shows the recognition of the alignment of course learning outcomes and the curriculum goals. Their instructional and assessment strategies are selected to promote inclusive participation, engagement, and the expected learning outcomes of their course. Teachers in this competence level is able to demonstrate basic facilitator and coaching skills, and they are genuinely concern with student’s learning improvement and participate in activities for their professional development.


effectively supporting learning

On top of the ability of the Beginner, teachers in this level is able to apply their professional knowledge to effectively design, facilitate, assess, and evaluate the intended learning outcome to address different learning needs and promote student learning achievement. With the experiences and skills acquired at this level, they are able to breakdown course learning outcomes into small-achievable steps in order to design coherent session plans and to develop strategies for supporting learning. Competent teachers can effectively mitigate students’ misconceptions, design effective assessment and feedback strategies, engage students, and attribute student success to effort rather than ability. Valuing resilience to failure and able to build constructive
and effective relationships with students, competence teachers are able to model lifelong learning by actively seeking feedback from students and colleagues to improve their practices. Based on such feedback and experiences learned, they also able to contribute to the design of curriculum and other process improvement (re)design at least at program/department level.


highly accomplished as professional expert

At this level, teachers are highly accomplished as professional expert and show significant impact on promoting student learning. They are able to restructure subject matter knowledge to make it comprehensible to ‘all’ students and to continuously improve their instructional/assessment strategies, resources, and support colleagues to evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of their instructions. In class, proficient teachers are able to promote culture of high exceptions and support individual learning. They build collaborative relationships with colleagues by being mentors, helping them evaluate the effectiveness of their
instruction/assessment strategies, designing a curriculum, and contributing to wider learning and teaching community.


high impact contribution to professional community and society

Being a role model and inspiration for KMUTT teaching community, mastery teachers lead others to professionally design an effective curriculum, to plan and manage a quality guaranteed education system, and to select and develop teaching strategies to improve student learning. They model exemplary ethical behaviour and exercise informed judgements in all professional dealings with students, colleagues and the community. Locally and Internationally recognised as active contributors/experts/pioneers in higher education community, mastery teachers influence ‘transformative change’ in education to better all-rounded human development of students.

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